Knights of the Rolled Table | a Dungeons & Dragons podcast
Knights of the Rolled Table is a 5e D&D actual play adventure, featuring humor, suspense, storytelling, and good clean monster fighting. Discover the Realms as our group of friends role play, use terrible puns, and drop some dice in this homebrew, improvised, fantasy campaign! We’ll also give helpful tips on how to make new characters and go on your own adventures.

Tuesday Nov 12, 2019
A Bard Day's Night
Tuesday Nov 12, 2019
Tuesday Nov 12, 2019
Coach gets aided by Remara the Mystic, while Jerik, Saeleas, and Sarsa confront the now revealed big bad nasty, who wants to hire them for a job, and then they all go to college. Why is everything backwards?
Featuring Chris Daily as the Dungeon Master, Jen Crespo as Sarsa, Weston Gardner as Coach, Matt Messerman as Saeleas, Zach Stones as Jerik, Emily Frank as Remara, and Jeff Frank as Bart.
Follow us on Twitter for updates, questions, How to D&D tips, and ask the cast questions about tabletop RPGs and everything Dungeons and Dragons!
Knights on Instagram: @knightsoftherolledtablepodcast featuring original art, character info, how to D&D tips and more Dungeons and Dragons, RPG, and tabletop goodness.
Email us for a quote for a personally customized, audio advertisement as part of the episode.
Have feedback, fan-art or D&D questions? Please send them to
Make a custom audio anthem for your character! Check out @makemyAnthem
Theme music by Weston Gardner @makemyanthem
Check out Weston’s Patreon to get original music for your RPG campaign
Tools mentioned in this episode’s notes:
Printable Heroes
Original Character Art by Chris Daily @dungeonheads
Chris on Twitter @scribblemonkey
Zach on Twitter @mftZach
Weston on Twitter @MakeMyAnthem
Jen on Twitter @Jstops185
Matt on Twitter @HapDrastic
Jeff on Twitter @FrankJeff
Now, go out and make life an Adventure!

Friday Nov 15, 2019
S2 Bio: Saeleas Biography
Friday Nov 15, 2019
Friday Nov 15, 2019
In this Bonus episode, we go to a library and learn about when Saeleas first discovered his sorcerer powers. Featuring Matt Messerman as Saeleas, Chris Daily as the Dungeon Master, Jen Crespo, Weston Gardner, and Zach Stones.
Follow us on Twitter for updates, questions, How to D&D tips, and ask the cast questions about tabletop RPGs and everything Dungeons and Dragons!
Knights on Instagram: @knightsoftherolledtablepodcast featuring original art, character info, how to D&D tips and more Dungeons and Dragons, RPG, and tabletop goodness.
Email us for a quote for a personally customized, audio advertisement as part of the episode.
Have feedback, fan-art or D&D questions? Please send them to
Make a custom audio anthem for your character! Check out @makemyAnthem
Theme music by Weston Gardner @makemyanthem
Check out Weston’s Patreon to get original music for your RPG campaign
Original Character Art by Chris Daily @dungeonheads
Chris on Twitter @scribblemonkey
Zach on Twitter @mftZach
Weston on Twitter @MakeMyAnthem
Jen on Twitter @Jstops185
Matt on Twitter @HapDrastic
Jeff on Twitter @FrankJeff
Now, go out and make life an Adventure!

Tuesday Nov 19, 2019
Not Mushroom for Error
Tuesday Nov 19, 2019
Tuesday Nov 19, 2019
Our newly dubbed heroes, the Wayfinders, along with Remara the mystic and Big Bart the Bold Bard, head to Darkwell Cave for answers, memory jogging, and hopefully, the third and final curio of Voop De Doo.
Featuring Chris Daily as the Dungeon Master, Jen Crespo as Sarsa, Weston Gardner as Coach, Matt Messerman as Saeleas, Zach Stones as Jerik, Emily Frank as Remara, and Jeff Frank as Bart.
Follow us on Twitter for updates, questions, How to D&D tips, and ask the cast questions about tabletop RPGs and everything Dungeons and Dragons!
Knights on Instagram: @knightsoftherolledtablepodcast featuring original art, character info, how to D&D tips and more Dungeons and Dragons, RPG, and tabletop goodness.
Email us for a quote for a personally customized, audio advertisement as part of the episode.
Have feedback, fan-art or D&D questions? Please send them to
Make a custom audio anthem for your character! Check out @makemyAnthem
Theme music by Weston Gardner @makemyanthem
Check out Weston’s Patreon to get original music for your RPG campaign
Tools mentioned in this episode’s notes:
2-Minute Tabletop
Original Character Art by Chris Daily @dungeonheads
Chris on Twitter @scribblemonkey
Zach on Twitter @mftZach
Weston on Twitter @MakeMyAnthem
Jen on Twitter @Jstops185
Matt on Twitter @HapDrastic
Jeff on Twitter @FrankJeff
Now, go out and make life an Adventure!

Friday Nov 22, 2019
S2 Bio: Jerik
Friday Nov 22, 2019
Friday Nov 22, 2019
In this bonus Bio episode, we learn about the mysterious JERIK DARKHARBOR!! We talk with Zach @mftZach and learn about Jerik’s backstory, and how he met his patron, uh, sword.
Featuring Zach Stones as Jerik, Chris Daily as the Dungeon Master, Jen Crespo, Weston Gardner, and Matt Messerman.
Follow us on Twitter for updates, questions, How to D&D tips, and ask the cast questions about tabletop RPGs and everything Dungeons and Dragons!
Knights on Instagram: @knightsoftherolledtablepodcast featuring original art, character info, how to D&D tips and more Dungeons and Dragons, RPG, and tabletop goodness.
Email us for a quote for a personally customized, audio advertisement as part of the episode.
Have feedback, fan-art or D&D questions? Please send them to
Make a custom audio anthem for your character! Check out @makemyAnthem
Theme music by Weston Gardner @makemyanthem
Check out Weston’s Patreon to get original music for your RPG campaign
Original Character Art by Chris Daily @dungeonheads
Chris on Twitter @scribblemonkey
Zach on Twitter @mftZach
Weston on Twitter @MakeMyAnthem
Jen on Twitter @Jstops185
Matt on Twitter @HapDrastic
Jeff on Twitter @FrankJeff
Now, go out and make life an Adventure!

Tuesday Nov 26, 2019
Monkey in the Middle
Tuesday Nov 26, 2019
Tuesday Nov 26, 2019
In their search for the Spiralite, the Wayfinders meet Gussthorak, the Mind Flayer.
Featuring Chris Daily as the Dungeon Master, Jen Crespo as Sarsa, Weston Gardner as Coach, Matt Messerman as Saeleas, Zach Stones as Jerik, Emily Frank as Remara, and Jeff Frank as Bart.
Follow us on Twitter for updates, questions, How to D&D tips, and ask the cast questions about tabletop RPGs and everything Dungeons and Dragons!
Knights on Instagram: @knightsoftherolledtablepodcast featuring original art, character info, how to D&D tips and more Dungeons and Dragons, RPG, and tabletop goodness.
Email us for a quote for a personally customized, audio advertisement as part of the episode.
Have feedback, fan-art or D&D questions? Please send them to
Make a custom audio anthem for your character! Check out @makemyAnthem
Theme music by Weston Gardner @makemyanthem
Check out Weston’s Patreon to get original music for your RPG campaign
Original Character Art by Chris Daily @dungeonheads
Chris on Twitter @scribblemonkey
Zach on Twitter @mftZach
Weston on Twitter @MakeMyAnthem
Jen on Twitter @Jstops185
Matt on Twitter @HapDrastic
Jeff on Twitter @FrankJeff
Now, go out and make life an Adventure!

Wednesday Nov 27, 2019
Season One Trailer
Wednesday Nov 27, 2019
Wednesday Nov 27, 2019
Just a quick taste of the season one fun!
@Rolledtable on Instagram and Twitter for character art and updates
Art and logo by @dungeonheads
Theme by @arcaneanthems
Now go out and make like an adventure!

Friday Nov 29, 2019
S2 Bio: Sarsa
Friday Nov 29, 2019
Friday Nov 29, 2019
In this bonus Bio episode, we learn about the free spirited Tiefling, Sarsa Demisalt. We explore Sarsa’s past, how she became a sailor, and role play a scene when Sarsa first became a captain.
Featuring Jen Crespo as Sarsa, Chris Daily as the Dungeon Master, Zach Stones, Weston Gardner, and Matt Messerman.
Follow us on Twitter for updates, questions, How to D&D tips, and ask the cast questions about tabletop RPGs and everything Dungeons and Dragons!
Knights on Instagram: @knightsoftherolledtablepodcast featuring original art, character info, how to D&D tips and more Dungeons and Dragons, RPG, and tabletop goodness.
Email us for a quote for a personally customized, audio advertisement as part of the episode.
Have feedback, fan-art or D&D questions? Please send them to
Make a custom audio anthem for your character! Check out @makemyAnthem
Theme music by Weston Gardner @makemyanthem
Check out Weston’s Patreon to get original music for your RPG campaign
Original Character Art by Chris Daily @dungeonheads
Chris on Twitter @scribblemonkey
Zach on Twitter @mftZach
Weston on Twitter @MakeMyAnthem
Jen on Twitter @Jstops185
Matt on Twitter @HapDrastic
Jeff on Twitter @FrankJeff
Now, go out and make life an Adventure!

Tuesday Dec 03, 2019
Do You Mind?
Tuesday Dec 03, 2019
Tuesday Dec 03, 2019
The Wayfinders continue their deadly battle of wills against Gussthorak, the Mind Flayer, and his followers within his Underdark lair.
Featuring Chris Daily as the Dungeon Master, Jen Crespo as Sarsa, Weston Gardner as Coach, Matt Messerman as Saeleas, Zach Stones as Jerik, Emily Frank as Remara, and Jeff Frank as Bart.
Follow us on Twitter for updates, questions, How to D&D tips, and ask the cast questions about tabletop RPGs and everything Dungeons and Dragons!
Knights on Instagram: @knightsoftherolledtablepodcast featuring original art, character info, how to D&D tips and more Dungeons and Dragons, RPG, and tabletop goodness.
Email us for a quote for a personally customized, audio advertisement as part of the episode.
Have feedback, fan-art or D&D questions? Please send them to
Make a custom audio anthem for your character! Check out @makemyAnthem
Theme music by Weston Gardner @makemyanthem
Check out Weston’s Patreon to get original music for your RPG campaign
Original Character Art by Chris Daily @dungeonheads
Chris on Twitter @scribblemonkey
Zach on Twitter @mftZach
Weston on Twitter @MakeMyAnthem
Jen on Twitter @Jstops185
Matt on Twitter @HapDrastic
Jeff on Twitter @FrankJeff
Now, go out and make life an Adventure!

Tuesday Dec 10, 2019
Fangs for the Memories
Tuesday Dec 10, 2019
Tuesday Dec 10, 2019
The Wayfinders try and patch their wounds in the Underdark, and the big bad nasty makes their ultimate intentions known. Also in this episode, Sarsa gets some new boots, Saeleas lends a hand to Coach, and Jerik has some skin problems.
Featuring Chris Daily as the Dungeon Master, Jen Crespo as Sarsa, Weston Gardner as Coach, Matt Messerman as Saeleas, Zach Stones as Jerik, Emily Frank as Remara, and Jeff Frank as Bart.
Follow us on Twitter for updates, questions, How to D&D tips, and ask the cast questions about tabletop RPGs and everything Dungeons and Dragons!
Knights on Instagram: @knightsoftherolledtablepodcast featuring original art, character info, how to D&D tips and more Dungeons and Dragons, RPG, and tabletop goodness.
Email us for a quote for a personally customized, audio advertisement as part of the episode.
Have feedback, fan-art or D&D questions? Please send them to
Make a custom audio anthem for your character! Check out @makemyAnthem
Theme music by Weston Gardner @makemyanthem
Check out Weston’s Patreon to get original music for your RPG campaign
Original Character Art by Chris Daily @dungeonheads
Chris on Twitter @dailytoonsRPG
Zach on Twitter @mftZach
Weston on Twitter @MakeMyAnthem
Jen on Twitter @Jstops185
Matt on Twitter @HapDrastic
Jeff on Twitter @FrankJeff
Now, go out and make life an Adventure!

Tuesday Dec 17, 2019
Holiday 2019: The Legend of Sinterklaas, Part 1
Tuesday Dec 17, 2019
Tuesday Dec 17, 2019
Join us on a Christmas themed D&D 5e one-shot adventure, Rolled Table style. In a northern realm, a new group of adventurers looking for coin find themselves helping a small town and chasing a legend. Also, lots of holiday puns. Part 1 of 2.
Featuring Jeff Frank as your Dungeon Master, Chris Daily, Weston Gardner, Matt Messerman, and Zach Stones.
Season 2 will be back with the first part of its two part finale on December 31st.
Special thanks to Beadle and Grimm’s for telling people about the podcast! Welcome to new listeners!
Follow us on Twitter for updates, questions, How to D&D tips, and ask the cast questions about tabletop RPGs and everything Dungeons and Dragons!
Knights on Instagram: @knightsoftherolledtablepodcast featuring original art, character info, how to D&D tips and more Dungeons and Dragons, RPG, and tabletop goodness.
Email us for a quote for a personally customized, audio advertisement as part of the episode.
Have feedback, fan-art or D&D questions? Please send them to
Make a custom audio anthem for your character! Check out @makemyAnthem
Theme music by Weston Gardner @makemyanthem
Check out Weston’s Patreon to get original music for your RPG campaign
Original Character Art by Chris Daily @dungeonheads
Chris on Twitter @scribblemonkey
Zach on Twitter @mftZach
Weston on Twitter @MakeMyAnthem
Jen on Twitter @Jstops185
Matt on Twitter @HapDrastic
Jeff on Twitter @FrankJeff
Now, go out and make life an Adventure!